Our mission is to work for a fairer, more sustainable, and healthier world for all beings, where there is no distinction between society and nature, and everything exists in harmony.
The Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest) is one of the most diverse forests in the world, harboring a rich variety of plant and animal species, many of which are endemic
IBIOS was created by people from different backgrounds, training and experiences, all enthusiastic about socio-environmental causes, who came together around a common dream: to make a difference in preserving life on the planet and in harmonious coexistence between society and nature
PhD candidate and researcher in the Environment, Health and Sustainability Program at USP. Master in Sustainability Science from PUC-Rio.
MBA in business strategy from Fundação Dom Cabral.
Bachelor in Information Technology from PUC-Rio.
Doctor in physiotherapy from New York Medical College – New York/USA
Bachelor’s degree in biology from Concordia College – New York/USA
Associate in Occupational Therapy from Rockland Community College – New York/USA
Graduated in Economics from IBMEC/RJ, MBA from FGV/RJ.
Senior Management Consultant and Chief Customer Officer with over 20 years of experience in operations management and digital transformation.
Beekeeper and guardian of nature.
Graduado em Administração pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – UFJF
Gerente aposentado do Banco do Brasil, com mais de 30 anos de trabalho.
Técnico em contabilidade formado pela Sociedade Barra-mansense de Ensino.
Graduated in Pedagogy from UNIMONTES.
Postgraduate student in Environmental Education at UNIMINAS.
Courses in the environmental area through SENAR – Recomposition of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP); Nurseryman – management of native seedlings.
In our mission to preserve and restore the environment, partnerships play a fundamental role. Meet IBIOS partners, whose collaboration and support strengthens our strategy and expands our reach. Together, we are building the future.
Help us to protect the Atlantic Forest
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