About us

We are part of everything we care for and preserve

IBIOS – Instituto Biosfera is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, created in 2023 in the city of Bananal, state of São Paulo, in the Serra da Bocaina region.

Our mission is to contribute to environmental conservation and restoration in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, one of the richest and most threatened biomes on the planet, in addition to promoting social well-being and sustainable development of communities in the places where we operate.

We want to promote a fairer and healthier future for everyone, in which society and nature live in harmony.

We want to be a reference in environmental conservation and restoration, through reconnecting people with nature and education, engaging communities, public authorities and private organizations in the fight for a sustainable future and environmental protection.

We operate in the Vale Histórico Paulista (São Paulo Historic Valley), in the municipalities that border the Serra da Bocaina, a region with a rich cultural, historical and natural heritage, which is home to one of the most well-preserved fragments of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, with very rich biodiversity and nature’s invaluable contribution to the well-being and quality of life of populations.

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